Berna's travelblog Marco Bernasocchi's adventures blog

Archive for May, 2013
Running around in Swellendam
Running around in Swellendam

Well, when it comes to my IT job I’m very dual in the way I feel about it. On one hand, I love what it gives me: intellectual challenge, opportunity to travel and discover new environments, freedom to work where/when I want, satisfaction when I can help somebody and well, it pays my bills :). […]

3 days in the wild
3 days in the wild

So here I am in a pretty cool restaurant in Swellendam called Drostdy enjoining my reward, a beer while waiting for my big rump steak. Soft super nice cuban son in the background and a rather astonishing collection of coca cola memorabilia surrounding me. But wait a second, you don’t even know why I’m rewarding […]

All cool in Swellendam
All cool in Swellendam

After a couple of hours journey I finally made it from Sagogn to my new home in Swellendam. I stay at Cypress Cottages, 3 Voortrek Stree in Swellendam. If you happen to be in the region, the place is super beautiful and the family that runs it great!

A gin and tonic please
A gin and tonic please

I like British airways… you ask for a gin and tonic and this is what I got cant really complain can you!? add a mini bottle of red with dinner and I slept like a baby through the whole flight :)

Next trip starting tomorow
Next trip starting tomorow

So, it is so far, I’m all packed (well maybe ;) ) and tomorrow I’ll leave from ZRH to Cape town, and then on to Swellendam where I’ll spend around 3 weeks working on inaSAFE. after that I’ll have two weeks of animals :) enjoy what is to come :) ah yes and I’ll go […]