Since 6 years ago, when Sarah and I discovered the BBC planet earth series of documentaries, our travels have been strongly influenced by Sir David Attenborough’s narrations. Whenever we were close to some amazing thing we had seen on the series, we would try go see it our-self. Some were easy targets like the Proteus […]
When I booked my Kalahari trip, the only company I found that was running something that could fit my dates had a days tour including on day at the Augrabies national park. I first tough, mmm I’d like more Kalahari but then I read about the park, mostly known for its waterfall, and I saw […]
You probably all know Jaws, maybe even Dark tide and probably many other similarly stupid movies that depict the great white sharks as the perfect human assassin. Pity, really, because if we where as scared of car accidents as we are of great whites, nobody would drive anymore. And also pity because they are magnificent, […]
Whales, magnificent huge animals one could say, but one could also say ocean, magnificent immense pond… This is roughly how I felt last weekend. Friday after work, Werner and I left in Tim’s bakkie towards the De Hoop nature Reserve for a “welcome to the whales weekend”. The reserve has organised some leading whale researchert […]